Friday, October 12, 2012

Perseverance: A Lesson from Mountain Climbing

A mountain is climbed one step at a time. You begin by putting one foot in front of another, and another, until you reach the summit.
Mountaineers know the importance of staying hydrated and never climbing alone. As believers, we can stay hydrated with refreshment from God’s Word, which is as essential to life as water. We can build a team around us for support and encouragement from family and friends. And we can learn to trust our guide, Jesus Christ.
When life is hard...when you're going through a breakup or divorce...when someone has hurt you...when you're low on funds...or you simply don't know what to do....
Press on. Pray on.
And in the process you can find joy in life’s journey. The power of prayer helps you to persevere. That's because the power comes from God, the one who loves you most and has the POWER and STRENGTH to help you in your time of need.
Even when you feel like giving up, believe that the ascent is worth the climb. You are not alone, and you don't have to do this journey called life on your own. Keep on. For once you reach the peak, the view is exhilarating.


Read more about help in times of need in PowerfulPrayers for Challenging Times by Jackie M. Johnson

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