Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lifting the Fog When the Future is Unclear

Choosing to have hope is a “one prayer at a time; one choice at a time” path that leads to a more whole and healthier attitude and life.

You start out by taking your first steps. As you walk on, roadblocks may come your way, but you navigate obstacles with God’s help. As you choose to follow and keep following, you learn to listen and take action.

It takes courage to get and step out on a new path. Whether you begin hesitantly or with a let’s-have-an-adventure excitement, the important thing is that you begin-—and keep choosing hope. You seek the Lord and listen for his guidance. “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21)

By taking one step, and then another and another, you leave the old place of brokenness and rubble, fraught with complication and unanswered questions.

Even when the future is unclear and it feels like a primordial haze hangs over your heart, walk on. Because like the early morning low cloudiness in San Francisco, eventually the fog will lift and clarity will come.

Your blue sky days of joy will return.

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