Friday, June 11, 2010

When Work Ends

So our company had layoffs yesterday. (Yep, I work full-time in addition to writing books.) It was a total surprise to me and the rest of the staff—including the five others who had their positions eliminated. The economy is to blame for our losses.

But, thankfully, all is not lost. I am keeping the faith and having hope for a better, brighter future. A new road to follow…a path to new adventures…

When a job ends, and when you face unemployment, there is hope. Just “do the next thing” (as wise sage Elizabeth Elliott says) and trust God every step of the way. Invite Him in to your job search process. Ask the Lord to lead and guide you, to find favor and open doors for new oppportunities. Start talking to the people you know, and ask them who they know…and so the process goes.

Sure, you want to do the practical things, like update your resume and look for jobs online and in person (check out, the site that posts jobs from all the other job sites—convenient and time-saving!). But all your hard work will be naught, without the guiding hand of God.

He knows. He cares. He comforts. And the Lord has the power to make real and lasting changes in your work life and your whole life.

So you keep on…

And one day, things begin to change.

And you get that phone call you’ve been waiting for. You go to the interview. And you get the job. It’s your turn. It’s your time.

You may feel like the "land" in your life is fallow (empty), but growth and harvest will come. Today I read, "The LORD will indeed give what is good, and our land will yield its harvest. (Ps. 85:12)

Press on! Have faith. And God will grow His harvest of blessings in your life.

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