Monday, September 1, 2008

Learning to Rest

Life can be crazy. Many people’s to-do list is never ending: work, errands, chores, family, friends, hobbies, ministry, and more. Is it possible, amidst the frenzy of life, to learn to enjoy the fruits of our labor?

How do you balance rest and work?For me, it’s being in the beauty of nature, God’s creation, and being with those I love most. I find my soul calms and worries fade when I:

see the afternoon sunlight dancing like diamonds on the lake,
or a full, white moon rise in the night sky...
or laugh with friends.

Jesus sees, hears and knows our needs. He calls, beckons us from busyness to come and rest. Sometimes we just need to listen…and follow.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

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