Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year 2013! Will This Year Be Different?

New Year's Eve is upon us and soon it will be 2013. Sure, many people make--and then break--their New Year's resolutions, so this year I am going to call them "Things I Want to Do Differently in 2013." 

By not calling them resolutions, I think I have a better chance of making real and lasting changes in the next 12 months.

How about you? It doesn't have to be hard or complicated, but take some time to think about how you want the next year to be better. Pray and talk to God about what you want to GET RID OF and what you want to ADD and what you want to KEEP.

Get rid of
Like, I want to get rid of some pounds. So I will set a specific number and ask God to help me to do what I cannot seem to do on my own--lose this weight once and for all. Maybe you want to get rid of a bad habit or finally clean that closet that's been bothering you for months. Whatever it is, it's time! Out with the old, in with the new!

OK, so you want to shed some things in your life. Now what do you want to add to your life to make it better? Do you want to have more joy? A better attitude? Increased income? Or, maybe closer friendships or a life partner? Once you know what you want, you can list some specific steps you can take to get there. We do our part and God does His part--He empowers us, gives us the strength and willpower (or won't-power) to accomplish things we never thought we could do.

Seriously. Prayer is the biggest thing to add to your life in 2013. Without God's help, we often remain stuck in our old ways. And that's not what we want for this new year. Nope! We want things to be different, better, happier, and more abundant! At least, I do.

Finally, ask yourself what you want to keep on doing or being in 2013. What's working well and should continue? Like, you want to keep being nice to people even when they treat you poorly (again, that's where prayer comes in!) You want to keep on serving the poor or opening doors for others or supporting worthy causes or...You fill in the blank for what's on your list.

I think 2013 is gonna be a good year. With positive expectation and hope, I will pray this prayer for myself and all my readers:

Prayer for 2013
"Lord, we come before you at the start of a brand new year---we are hopeful and expectant. Will you show us all that you have for us in 2013? I ask for blessings and favor, peace and abundance. Bless us Lord, so we can be a blessing to others! I ask for healing and good health, and wisdom to make right choices. I ask for open doors and new opportunities that a good and exciting--and the energy to accomplish them. I ask for love, connection and community with friends, family and those I have yet to meet. May this new year be better than I expected--for me and for my readers--so next year at this time we can share our praises with joyful thanks to You! I ask believing. In Jesus' name. Amen."


Happy New Year to You! Many blessings!

Jackie M. Johnson 

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